Monday, June 28, 2010

Heavy Duty Blender

Now the family that I have helped to build looks quite different from the normal 2 parents, 2 kiddos, and a dog. It's quite complicated as I am a second wife, I have 3 sons, my oldest has migrated to live with his dad this last year of HS, I also am the Step Mom to 3 more kids, from the hubster and his first wife, so talk about! But for the most part I think it works out.... it takes lots of planning, which the hubster doesn't like takes patience...which is getting thinner as I get older...and it takes prayer and meditation!

I am learning that different is ok as long as you are ok with it.

Blending this family is a daily challenge....but it is one that I am committed to making for me! Now I don't know if I ever want to get to the point that we are like Will and Jada....and their blended family...but working together to make sure everyone is loved is good. If you are a SM...there are lots of support out there for super moms like us. One of my favorites was It was set up like a forum and you could post your situation and the other Super Moms would provide support for your situation.
Wishing you all the happiness you can endure!

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